Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Long Time No Write

Hello my cherubs, I haven't written you guys in ages!  I am sorry, been a bit off my game with endless doctor appointments and wrapping up work, etc.

So a quick list of things:

1) You guys are doing splendidly in there.  You're growing well, and probably will be a little over 6lbs each when you're out.  Which is very soon!  Less than a week now.

2)  We got to move into the house early, which means that your room actually has some furniture set up due to the industrious efforts of your papa and the generosity of your grandma.  There are boxes everywhere, but you have a yard and we got lemon trees planted and potted and an herb garden set up. There are guest rooms for both your grandmas too!

3)  Actually, the amount of stuff we have for you is a testament to the generosity of the many aunts and uncles you have.  You are highly anticipated and already much loved.  There are clothes and swing-y chairs and awesome books and sleep sheep and other awesome toys and things will make you more comfy.  Your first party, the baby shower, was super fun!  Your godmothers did a great job and set up an awesome party full of good food, food friends, and because I love your father, tie-dye onesies.  Yes, your father is already planning a matching tie-dye outfits day.  I will likely not be participating.

4)  The two of you hiccup quite often.  It's weird to feel but apparently some people feel it's a good sign of neurological development or something.  Whoever knows.  But I hope it doesn't hurt in there!

5) Your doctor said I could have a margarita because you are already almost out of your comfy home and mostly formed.  That's because he's awesome.  He's super nice and fun and really reassuring about things.  On Monday, he's going to take a knife to Mommy's stomach and let you guys out.  Don't worry, I intend to be well drugged before this happens.  And it's good because you're in breech position, Aggie darling.  Your butt is down and you're kicking your legs and hitting my pelvis regularly.  Bertie, your head is down and your growth slowed down so you're not much bigger than your sister.  I wonder who will come out first!

6) Mommy finally went off of work.  I have yet to go a day yet when I have not responded to work email or done some drafting, but I have hopes it will happen soon!

7)  Dad installed your carseats so you can actually come home.  We're going to go check it out tomorrow to make sure it's installed okay.

That's all for now - will write again soon!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Bertie, you had hiccups today!  We could feel your rhythmic hiccuping through the belly!  Pretty cool.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We've planned for your future.

We realized this morning that your porn names will be, "Dude Woodbridge".  So, you're welcome :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dear Lord, I am quite pregnant

Here I am at 29 weeks!  It looks like I stuffed a giant teddy bear under my tank top.

On the flip side, thank you for not making me look huge from the back.

Random Thoughts

A few things, cherubs o' mine.

1)  I am craving Indian food on the regular right now.  I NEVER crave Indian food.  So I blame you for this.

2)  I do not enjoy the words "much stronger motor" when referring to things that will attach to my person, aka a breast pump for you two.

3)  Registering for you two is way less fun than I thought it would be.  Perhaps because despite the many many many resources I have about this, I still have no clue about what I might need for you two.  I guess we will make do at some point.

4)  You two are in there waging war against mommy.  I swear I feel your elbows and feet and knees and things all day long.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Your mother "asks" and I comply. :)



Head to Head

I like to complain that the machines that do these can't just email the pics... Your mom just shakes her head and thinks, "what a geek".

Do you like keyboards?

Hi cherubs, you are currently kicking up a storm.   I think it's because I have my laptop resting on my belly while I was doing some work, and the pair of you were not having it.  That's okay because I like to feel you in there kicking away because I know that you are doing just fine.

Anyhow, happy 27 weeks!  At your ultrasound this past week, you are both over 2 lbs now.  Bertie, you are 2lb6 oz and Aggie, you are a little smaller at 2lb 3 oz.  Oh wait, that's the other way around.  Anyhow, you guys have GIANT heads, just like your mommy.  Your heads are growing 2 whole weeks ahead of schedule!  But that's okay, more brain is good for you.

I have also started taking fish oils with my prenatal vitamins (sorry I haven't been doing it all along) so hopefully your brains will be happily well developed, and getting more and more wrinkly by the day.  I will get daddy to add your pictures here later.  You have faces!